Roxanne Bautista
Avalon University School of Medicine, USA
Title: Neonatal intestinal obstruction case report
Biography: Roxanne Bautista
A neonate child ,primigravida with features of Down syndrome, with multiple intestinal atresias was delivered at Ibensena teaching hospital Sirte Libya by a 39 year old mother. Diagnosis was established with plane and contrast X-Rays and was managed by Multiple intestinal anastomosis after appropriate resection.Post operative infection of chest and abdominal cavity was managed with broad spectrum antibiotics (Third generation Cephalosporins, Vancomycin )covering Gram (+) ve , Gram(-) ve organisms.Post operative state was uneventful without any complications. Parenteral nutrition supplemented with vitamins and minerals.Patient recovered from illness. Intestinal atresia can involve any position of small bowel. It is characterized by an obliteration of the bowl lumen and its replacement by a fibrous cord that connects the proximal and distal segments. Specific sub-types include apple-peel atresia, multiple intestinal atresia with mega duodenum. Traditionally intestinal atresia has been regarded as an embryologic defect. Currently the interpretation that the disease is the result of utero mechanical injury to the vascular system of the bowl is favored. This may result from interception incarceration. A causal relationship between the use of methylene blue in second -trimester amniocentesis and the occurrence of jejunel atresia has been suggested. Complications include perforation, meconium peritonitis and as a rare late occurrence -Brown - bowel syndrome.